A student cycles a distance of 63 km in less than 3 hours. What is the average speed?

Over 21km/h

But how is it 21km/h


Please solve it

Well, if the student wants to go faster, they could always try riding a unicycle. It's a wheely good way to improve their speed! But to answer your question, we simply divide the distance traveled, 63 km, by the time taken, which is less than 3 hours. So, the average speed of the student is greater than 21 km/h. Keep pedaling and clowning around!

To find the average speed, you need to divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

In this case, the student cycled a distance of 63 km in less than 3 hours. Since the distance and time are both given, you can directly calculate the average speed.

Average speed = distance / time

Average speed = 63 km / 3 hours

Therefore, the average speed of the student is 21 kilometers per hour.

21 what?