I have had problems with writing sentences in the past, Please if you will tell me how these sentences reads to you! The(')represent my word i have to use in a sentence.

1. The confederates' works fot the president.

2. Te Usa army caused a invasion'on China Army.

3. My brother John fought on the battlefield'in the army.

4.The people in the world are in unity'.

5. The discharge'of John from the army.

6. The president start treaty' with his confederate.

7.John revolution' his life to be a engineer.

I see major problems with each of your sentences.

Try this: Go to http://www.onelook.com and look up each word. Make sure you know if it's a noun or verb or what. Also look over the sample phrases and clauses given that illustrate the use of each word.

Let us know what you come up with.

Well, sentence 3 isn't bad. Keep that one!

I'd be happy to help you with your sentences! However, please note that some of the sentences you provided are missing contextual information or contain words that may not be used correctly. Here's how you can improve them:

1. The works of the Confederates are important for the president. (Assuming you are referring to actions or achievements of the Confederates that are beneficial to the president)

2. The U.S. army launched an invasion on the Chinese army. (Using the correct abbreviation for the United States and clarifying the subject of the sentence)

3. My brother John fought on the battlefield while serving in the army. (Clarifying that John's battlefield experience was in the context of his military service)

4. The people of the world are united. (Using the correct word "united" instead of "unity")

5. The discharge of John from the army was approved. (Providing more information about John's discharge and using "approved" to indicate the action taken)

6. The president started a treaty with his confederate(s). (Clarifying the subject and using the word "started" to indicate the beginning of the treaty)

7. John dedicated his life to becoming an engineer. (Using the word "dedicated" instead of "revolution" and clarifying John's career goal)

By making these adjustments, your sentences will be clearer and more coherent. Remember, context and correct word usage are vital for effective communication.