Can u tell me the practical details of how you would prepare 0.5mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid solution from a stock of 34% (w/w) with a relative density of 1.18.

Figure the number of moles per liter of the concentrate. Say is is 17 for example sake.

You want a dilution of 17/.5 or 34, so add one part conc acid to 33 parts water

To prepare a 0.5 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid solution from a stock of 34% (w/w) with a relative density of 1.18, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the number of moles per liter of the concentrate. Let's assume it is 17 moles/liter for example purposes.

2. Calculate the dilution factor. In this case, you want a dilution of 17/0.5 or 34. This means you need to dilute the concentrated hydrochloric acid by a factor of 34.

3. Prepare the dilution by adding one part of concentrated hydrochloric acid to 33 parts of water. Since you want to dilute the concentrated acid by a factor of 34, the ratio of concentrated acid to water is 1:33.

4. Start by measuring out the amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid needed. To find this, divide the desired volume of the final solution by the dilution factor. For example, if you want to prepare 1 liter of the solution, you would need (1/34) liters or 0.0294 liters (or 29.4 mL) of concentrated hydrochloric acid.

5. Next, measure out the required amount of water. In this case, you would need 33 times the volume of the concentrated acid. For 1 liter of final solution, you would need (33/34) liters or 0.9706 liters (or 970.6 mL) of water.

6. Slowly add the measured volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid into the measured volume of water while stirring gently. It is important to add the acid to the water and not the other way around to prevent vigorous exothermic reactions.

7. Continue stirring until the solution is well mixed. The resulting solution will be a 0.5 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid solution.

It's important to note that when handling concentrated acids, always follow appropriate safety precautions such as wearing gloves and safety goggles, working in a well-ventilated area, and being cautious of splashes or spills.