In your own opinion

1. How do objectives assist a student in completing the assignment?

2. Describe what needs to be done for the assignment found in a sample syllabus?

3. If you were to complete the assignment found in a sample syllabus, how would you set aside time to ensure it is completed on time?

4. Will it be necessary to use the library to complete the assignment found in a sample syllabus?

5. What resources are provided to complete the assignment found in a sample syllabus?

6. How will the instructor determine the student’s grade for the assignment?

7. What is not clear to you about the assignment in the sample syllabus and how would you obtain more information?

8. How can the rubric help a student meet the instructor’s expectation for the assignment?

Whoa! How do I know what is YOUR opinion?

I have to get someone elses opinion not mines

The instructions say "in your opinion."

1. Objectives assist a student in completing the assignment by providing a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished. They serve as guidelines and help students stay focused on the task at hand. To use objectives effectively, the student can first analyze the assignment prompt or instructions provided by the instructor. Then, they can break down the assignment into smaller, manageable tasks, and align these tasks with the objectives outlined in the assignment. This will allow the student to track their progress, ensure they stay on track, and ultimately complete the assignment more efficiently.

2. To understand what needs to be done for the assignment found in a sample syllabus, it is crucial to carefully read the syllabus provided by the instructor. The syllabus usually contains detailed information about the assignment requirements, such as the topic or problem to be addressed, the format or structure expected, the length or word count, any specific resources or references to be used, and the deadline for submission. By thoroughly reading the syllabus, the student will have a clear understanding of what is expected and can better plan and execute their approach to completing the assignment.

3. To set aside time and ensure the assignment in a sample syllabus is completed on time, it is important to practice effective time management. The student can start by reviewing their personal schedule and identifying available time slots that can be dedicated to working on the assignment. They should consider factors such as their other commitments, study preferences, and energy levels. It is advisable to break down the assignment into smaller tasks and allocate specific time slots for each task, creating a well-defined study plan or schedule. Utilizing calendar apps, reminders, or productivity tools can help the student stay organized and accountable for their time. By adhering to the schedule, setting realistic deadlines for each task, and avoiding procrastination, the student can successfully complete the assignment on time.

4. The need to use the library to complete the assignment found in a sample syllabus depends on the specific requirements of the assignment. If the assignment necessitates research, gathering information from academic sources, or accessing relevant books, journals, or databases, then utilizing the library would likely be necessary. The student should carefully read the assignment prompt or syllabus to determine if the use of the library is explicitly mentioned or if it is implied as part of the research process. Additionally, if there is any ambiguity, it is recommended to consult with the instructor or teaching assistant for clarification.

5. The resources provided to complete the assignment in a sample syllabus may vary based on the specific assignment and the instructor's guidelines. Typically, resources can include textbooks or recommended readings, online articles or websites, academic journals, databases, multimedia materials, and any supplementary materials provided by the instructor. It is important to carefully review the assignment prompt or syllabus to identify any specified resources. Additionally, the student can explore the resources available in their campus library or online databases to access relevant and reliable information for completing the assignment.

6. The instructor will determine the student's grade for the assignment based on the evaluation criteria specified in the assignment prompt or rubric. The evaluation criteria may include factors such as the accuracy and depth of content, the organization and structure of the assignment, the proper use of citations and references, the clarity and coherence of arguments or analysis, and adherence to formatting guidelines. To meet the instructor's expectations and secure a higher grade, the student should carefully review the rubric or evaluation criteria provided, ensuring that they address all the specified requirements and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

7. If something is not clear about the assignment in the sample syllabus, the student should take proactive steps to seek clarification. They can start by reviewing the syllabus again to see if any additional information is provided. If the syllabus does not provide the needed clarification, the student can consider reaching out to the instructor or teaching assistant for more information. Sending a polite and concise email or attending office hours can be effective ways to obtain the necessary clarification. It is important to be specific in highlighting the area of confusion and to ask for specific examples or explanations to ensure a clear understanding of the assignment.

8. The rubric can help a student meet the instructor's expectations for the assignment by providing a detailed breakdown of how the assignment will be evaluated. It often includes specific criteria, points, or weightage assigned to different aspects of the assignment. By carefully studying and referencing the rubric, the student can gain insights into what the instructor considers important and how to allocate effort or focus accordingly. The rubric also helps the student align their work with the expected standards and requirements, ensuring they address all the necessary components and avoid overlooking any crucial elements. Regularly referring to the rubric during the drafting and revision process can help the student self-assess their work and make necessary improvements to meet or exceed the instructor's expectations.