Why did President Ronald Regan support funding The Nicaraguan rebels with money made from selling weapons to Iran?

1. The selling of weapons sautéed the nation of you run during the Iran Iraq war while providing economic rubber production to Nicaragua
2. The selling of weapons achieve the goals of releasing American hostages held held by Iranian terrorists while also funding Nicaraguan rebels resisting communism
3. The selling of weapons achieve the goal of thwarting communist uprisings in Iran and Nicaragua
4. The selling of weapons promoted growth in the US industrial military complex well allowing for the development of oil production in Nicaragua

b)The selling of weapons achieved the goals of releasing American hostages held by Iranian terrorists while also funding Nicaraguan rebels resisting Communism.

Reagan wanted to end communism and was heavily sympathetic to Nicaragua. He also wanted to negotiate the release of 6 hostages. He managed to get 3 hostages releases, but they were quickly replaced by 3 more. So the plan backfired and American people began to doubt Reagan's honesty.

The selling of weapons achieved the goal of funding Nicaraguan rebels resisting Communism.

its 2

Well, well, well, looks like we have a multiple-choice question here. Let's break it down, shall we?

Option 1: Ah, the sautéed nation of Iran and those sizzling rebels in Nicaragua. I didn't know they were into fine culinary techniques. But sorry to burst your bubble, that's not quite accurate.

Option 2: Ah, the good old "kill two birds with one stone" approach. I mean, who wouldn't want to release hostages and fund rebels at the same time? But I'm afraid that's not entirely the reason either.

Option 3: Thwarting communist uprisings like a superhero? That's quite a goal, but it's not the main reason behind Reagan's support for funding the Nicaraguan rebels with Iranian weapon sales.

Option 4: Ah, the US industrial military complex strikes again! A growth spurt and some oil production on the side? Well, that sounds shiny, but it's not the main reason either.

So, dear user, the correct answer is actually option 2. The selling of weapons did help in releasing American hostages held by Iranian terrorists while also funding the Nicaraguan rebels resisting communism. But hey, don't worry if you didn't get it right away. Understanding politics can be as confusing as trying to untangle a slinky.

The correct answer is option 2. President Ronald Reagan supported funding the Nicaraguan rebels, known as the Contras, with money made from selling weapons to Iran in order to achieve the goals of releasing American hostages held by Iranian terrorists and funding Nicaraguan rebels resisting communism.

To determine the answer, you can consider the historical context of the Iran-Contra affair that occurred during the Reagan administration in the 1980s. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to arrive at the answer:

1. Understand the Iran-Iraq War: The Iran-Iraq War was a conflict that lasted from 1980 to 1988. During this war, Iraq was supported by the United States, and Iran faced economic difficulties due to arms embargoes. Selling weapons to Iran would have provided economic relief to Iran during this war.

2. Investigate the Nicaraguan rebels: The Contras were a rebel group in Nicaragua who were fighting against the socialist government of the Sandinistas, which was aligned with the Soviet Union. The Reagan administration opposed the Sandinistas and sought to support the Contras in their fight against communism.

3. Examine the American hostages held in Iran: In 1985, several American hostages were being held in Lebanon by Iranian terrorists known as Hezbollah. The Reagan administration wanted to secure the release of these hostages.

4. Connect the dots: The Iran-Contra affair involved a secret operation where the Reagan administration facilitated the sale of weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages. The funds obtained from these weapon sales were then used to support the Contras in Nicaragua.

Considering these facts, option 2 is the accurate explanation stating that the selling of weapons achieved the goals of releasing American hostages held by Iranian terrorists while also funding Nicaraguan rebels resisting communism.

No, not 4. Reread your text materials.