1. List some important ideas that Walk Two Moons includes. Why did you choose those

2. Tell how using a Reading Role helped you understand the book. The Reading Roles are
described in the link on Unit 4, Lesson 6, slide 5, number 4.
I really don't undertand this question but i would not like anyone to give me the answer but rather help me understand it Thanks!

Wow u are a really genius thx!!!! Not really and Ms. Sue

-_-!!! Please put answer that will help children and benefit them not so manuscript that has nothing to deal with question. This goes out to all peeps if u are just here to be dumb you can click away because this is for peeps who want to learn and help not be doofus -_-

You relly helped me out

This did not help...at all. This site sucks AF. I'm going to brainly to get something worth my time. Thanks....For nothing.

1. To answer the first question, "List some important ideas that Walk Two Moons includes and explain why you chose those ideas," you can start by analyzing the themes and key messages conveyed in the book. Walk Two Moons, a novel written by Sharon Creech, explores several important ideas such as grief, loss, identity, friendship, and empathy.

When discussing grief and loss, you might consider how the main character, Salamanca (Sal) experiences the loss of her mother and how it shapes her journey of self-discovery. This idea is essential because it explores the universal human experience of coping with loss and the process of healing.

Identity is another crucial idea in the book, as Sal grapples with understanding her own unique identity while also trying to understand the perspectives and experiences of others. This theme connects with the concept of empathy, as Sal learns to see situations from others' points of view and develops a deeper understanding of human connection.

Friendship is portrayed as an important aspect of life in Walk Two Moons. Through her friendships with Phoebe and Ben, Sal discovers the significance of having supportive relationships during challenging times. This theme demonstrates the power of friendship and the impact it can have on one's emotional well-being.

By choosing these ideas, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the important themes in Walk Two Moons, as they offer insights into the characters' experiences and provide valuable life lessons.

2. Regarding the second question on how using a Reading Role helped understand the book, the Reading Roles described in the link provided (Unit 4, Lesson 6, slide 5, number 4) are most likely specific strategies or tasks assigned by your instructor to help you engage with and comprehend the book more deeply. Unfortunately, without access to that specific resource, I cannot provide detailed information on what those Reading Roles entail.

However, the general concept of using specific reading roles or strategies is to encourage active reading and enhance comprehension. These roles may include tasks such as summarizing chapters or sections, identifying and analyzing literary devices, making predictions about the plot or character development, or even discussing personal connections to the story.

By actively engaging with these reading roles, you can develop a deeper understanding of the book's content, themes, and underlying messages. These roles prompt critical thinking and encourage you to actively participate in the reading process. They serve as guides to assist you in analyzing and interpreting the text more effectively.

To gain a better understanding of how the assigned Reading Roles can help you understand the book, I encourage you to review the resource provided by your instructor or ask for clarification from them directly. Understanding the specific tasks and purpose of each role can greatly support your overall comprehension and analysis of the book.


You're welcome. I'm glad it helped.

What ideas are in this book that could apply to many other people. Love? Getting along? etc.

Here's an explanation of the reading roles.
