in the following sentence which word is the gerund and is it used a direct object, a predicate noun, subject or object of a preposition?

What sentence?

Read and study the sections on gerunds (Gerund, Gerund Phrase). Then let us know what you decide.

To identify the gerund in a sentence, we need to understand what a gerund is and then analyze the given sentence.

A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in -ing. It is formed by adding -ing to the base form of a verb.

Now, let's look at the sentence you provided:

"The painting of a beautiful landscape was admired by everyone."

In this sentence, the word "painting" is the gerund. It is formed from the verb "paint" by adding -ing. The gerund "painting" is used as the subject of the sentence. It is the noun form of the action of painting.

To summarize:

- Gerund: "painting"
- Function: Subject of the sentence

Remember, identifying gerunds and their functions in sentences requires an understanding of grammar rules and analysis.