Which identifies points of the agreement between the Soviet Union and other allied powers at the Yalta conference?

A) The immediate execution of the highest ranking nazi officials
B) The division of Germany into four allied occupation zones
C) The establishment of a communist regime over Germany
D) The demilitarization and denazification of Germany
A and B?

Lina is correct, it's B and D

B and D

I disagree with A.

B is correct.

The correct answer is B) The division of Germany into four allied occupation zones.

To find this answer, you can start by researching the Yalta Conference, which took place from February 4 to 11, 1945. During the conference, the leaders of the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom met to discuss the post-World War II reorganization of Europe.

During the conference, several important agreements were reached. One of these agreements was the division of Germany into four occupation zones, each controlled by one of the Allied powers: the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. This division of Germany was meant to ensure joint control and reconstruction efforts in the country.

Therefore, option B) correctly identifies one of the agreements made at the Yalta Conference. Option A) is incorrect because the immediate execution of the highest-ranking Nazi officials was not specifically agreed upon at Yalta. Option C) is incorrect because the establishment of a communist regime over Germany was not an agreed-upon outcome of the conference. Option D) is partially incorrect because the demilitarization and denazification of Germany were indeed discussed and agreed upon at Yalta, but this option does not include the division of Germany, which is specifically addressed in option B).