Q: Marissa Is researching information about martial arts students. She found that 7 out of 12 martial arts students practice each day. there are 144 students at her school.

Part A: Predict how many students practice every day.

Part B: What Is The Sample Size?

I Think the answer to part A is 72, because 7 - 12 = 5 and 0.5 x 144 = 72.

I think part B is 7/12, 0.58, and 58%.

who else is from 2021? 🥱😴😴🥱


the answer

A. 84 Students practice every day
B. 12 is the sample size because 12 students were asked

(Part A) First you need to figure out 7 out of 12 is what %?

7 ÷ 12= .58 (or 58%)
Then you need to figure what 58% of 144 is?
.58 x 144= 84 students practice everyday.
(Part B) She took a "sample" and asked 12 students, concluding that 7 of them practiced everyday.
The sample size is 12 students.
Hope this clarified by simple breakdown :)

"7 out of 12 " is a ratio

"ratio" suggests fractions
fractions mean division
What could possibly suggest that you would subtract 7-12 ??
and how did 5 turn into .5 ??

(7/12)(144) = 84

I forgot to add: in Part B you may want to also include the fraction size, which is 7/12


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Give ,e the answer

Part A: To predict how many students practice every day, we can use the ratio of the number of students who practice to the total number of martial arts students.

Given that 7 out of 12 martial arts students practice each day, we can calculate the number of students who practice every day by multiplying this ratio by the total number of students.

Number of students who practice every day = (7/12) * 144

Simplifying this expression, we have:

Number of students who practice every day = 84

So, the correct answer to part A is 84 students.

Part B: The sample size refers to the number of observations or data points in a given study or research. In this case, the sample size is the number of martial arts students that Marissa is researching.

According to the information given, Marissa is researching a group of 144 martial arts students. Therefore, the sample size for this study is 144.

Hence, the correct answer to part B is 144 students.

meh duh, you dum?