
posted by rfvv yesterday at 10:33pm

1. Do you have a blue pen, Tom?
2. Sure, I have a lot of them.
[Is #2 correct? Does 'them' refer to 'blue pens'?

3. Do you like the color blue?
4. Do you like blue?
5. Do you like the blue color?
[Which one is not grammatical of the three?]
Writeacher yesterday at 10:43pm
1 and 2 — yes and yes.

3, 4, and 5 are all grammatically correct but 5 doesn’t mean exactly the same thing as 3 or 5.
Thank you for your help.
What is the difference between #3 and #5?
3. Do you like the color blue?
5. Do you like the blue color?

# 3 is asking a general question about the color blue.

# 4 is asking if you like the particular blue item (car, shirt, tie, etc.).

The difference between sentence #3 and sentence #5 is the use of the definite article "the" and the word order.

In sentence #3, "Do you like the color blue?", the word "the" is used to indicate a specific color, in this case, the color blue in general. It is asking about the overall preference for the color.

In sentence #5, "Do you like the blue color?", the word order is reversed, and the word "blue" is used as an adjective to describe the color. It is asking about the preference specifically for the color blue, rather than any other shade or variation of blue.

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they have slightly different meanings. Sentence #3 is more general, asking about the preference for the entire category of blue colors, while sentence #5 is more specific, asking about the preference for the particular shade or variation of blue being referred to.