1. He is eating too much. What will happen to him?

2. He will vomit everything he ate.
3. He will throw up what he ate.
4. He will go to the bathroom to take a dump.
5. He will go to the bathroom to take a !@#$%^&.
6. He will go to the bathroom to empty(move) bowels.
Can we use all the expressions? Do you have more graceful terms?

1, 2, and 3 are OK.

Delete 4 and 5. They are both examples of unacceptable language.

6 is OK, but "to defecate" is more accurate.

Yes, you can use all the expressions you listed. They all convey the idea that the person in question will likely experience digestive distress due to overeating. However, if you are looking for more graceful or polite terms, you can use phrases such as:

1. He may experience discomfort or indigestion.
2. He might feel the need to regurgitate what he ate.
3. He could have the urge to vomit or feel nauseous.
4. He may need to use the restroom for a bowel movement.
5. He might need to use the restroom for gastrointestinal relief.
6. He could feel the need to empty his bowels.

These alternative expressions maintain a more polite and less explicit tone while still conveying the same meaning.