Identify the type of clause used in this sentence.

Some people who can carry a tune are very shy.


To identify the type of clause used in this sentence, we can analyze the structure and function of the clause.

In the sentence "Some people who can carry a tune are very shy," the clause "who can carry a tune" functions as an adjective clause because it modifies the noun "people."

Now, let's break down the clause further to understand its construction.
- The word "who" is a relative pronoun that introduces the adjective clause.
- The verb phrase "can carry" indicates the action of being able to carry a tune.
- "A tune" is the direct object of the verb "carry."
- Therefore, the entire clause "who can carry a tune" acts as a subject complement, providing additional information about the subject "people."

In conclusion, the type of clause used in the sentence is an adjective clause.

Study this and let us know what you decide.