Using the Invert Selection tool while something is selected in Paint will __________.

flip the selection vertically

change the colors of the selection

delete the selection

change the selection to include everything on the picture except what was originally selected

I've not used Paint much. You'll need to try these out yourself if you have access to a computer with this program on it -- or better yet, refer to your text.

Yes, you're correct! Using the Invert Selection tool while something is selected in Paint will change the selection to include everything on the picture except what was originally selected.

To use the Invert Selection tool in Paint:

1. Open the image in Paint.
2. Make a selection by clicking and dragging the mouse over the area you want to select.
3. Go to the "Home" tab.
4. In the "Image" group, click on the "Select" dropdown arrow.
5. Select "Invert Selection" from the dropdown menu.

By doing this, the selection will be inverted, meaning everything that was not originally selected will now be selected, and everything that was originally selected will no longer be selected.