Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart a. TO FIND PROFIT

add up sales

add up costs

Sure! Here's an algorithm and a corresponding flowchart to find the profit:

Algorithm to Find Profit:
1. Input the cost price (CP) and selling price (SP) of an item.
2. Calculate the profit (P) using the formula:
P = SP - CP
3. If P is positive, then output "Profit exists" along with the value of P.
4. If P is zero, then output "No profit, no loss".
5. If P is negative, then output "Loss exists" along with the absolute value of P.

Flowchart for Finding Profit:
+---[CP, SP]---+
| |
| |
V |
[P = SP - CP] |
| |
| |
V |
+--[P > 0]--+----+ |
| | | |
| Yes V | |
| [Output "Profit exists" and P] --------------> End
| | | |
| | | |
V V | |
+--[P = 0]--+ +--[P < 0]--+ |
| | | |
| Yes | | No |
| [Output "No profit, no loss"] | [Output "Loss exists" and |P|]
| | | |
+----------> End +---------> End

Note: In the flowchart, [Input] represents the input of cost price (CP) and selling price (SP), and [Output] represents the output of the result. [P > 0] represents the condition if the profit is greater than zero, [P = 0] represents the condition if the profit is equal to zero, and [P < 0] represents the condition if the profit is less than zero.