Your phone company charges $0.05 per minute for long distance calls. Write a direct variation model that relates the total cost x to the number of minutes y spent talking on the phone.

Idk how to do this?? Apparently, the formula is y=ax

According to the way you defined your variables .....

x = .05y

But in standard practise, x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable,
that is, the cost depends on the number of minutes.
I would define x as the number of minutes and y as the cost, then
y = .05x

cost = rate * minutes

Thank you so much!

To create a direct variation model that relates the total cost x to the number of minutes y spent talking on the phone, we need to understand the concept of direct variation. In direct variation, two quantities are related in such a way that when one quantity increases or decreases, the other quantity also increases or decreases in proportion.

In this case, we know that the cost for long distance calls is $0.05 per minute. This indicates that as the number of minutes spent on the phone increases, the total cost will also increase proportionally.

To express this relationship mathematically, we can use the formula y = ax, where y represents the dependent variable (total cost), x represents the independent variable (number of minutes), and a represents the constant of variation.

In this scenario, the constant of variation a will be equal to the cost per minute, which is $0.05. Therefore, the direct variation model that relates the total cost x to the number of minutes y spent talking on the phone is:

y = 0.05x

This formula states that the total cost (y) is equal to 0.05 (the cost per minute) multiplied by the number of minutes spent talking on the phone (x).