Breanna and Kevin learned that fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, release energy when they are burned. Breanna believes this energy comes from the ancient plants and animals that formed fossil fuels, but Kevin says the power in fossil fuels comes from the Sun. Who is right and why? A) Kevin is right. The energy in the Sun was transferred directly into fossil fuels such as coal and oil. B) Breanna is right. The energy in fossil fuels was first created by the ancient plants and animals that formed fossil fuels. C) Breanna and Kevin are both right. The energy in fossil fuels first came from the old plants and animals that created fossil fuels but was then transferred to the Sun. D) Breanna and Kevin are both right. The energy in fossil fuels first came from the Sun but was then transferred to the ancient plants and animals that formed fossil fuels

Science 7B Unit 4. The true cost of fossil fuels

1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.D All the answers are correct.

Which do you think?

Can you grow a tree in the frozen dark?

um ima try it


B) Breanna is right. The energy in fossil fuels was first created by the ancient plants and animals that formed fossil fuels.

To understand why Breanna is correct, let's break down the process of how fossil fuels are formed and where the energy comes from:

1. Formation of Fossil Fuels: Fossil fuels (such as coal and oil) are formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient plants and animals that lived and died millions of years ago. These organic remains get buried deep within the Earth's crust.

2. Transformation into Fossil Fuels: Over time, the layers of sediment and rock above the organic remains exert tremendous heat and pressure. This process, known as fossilization, leads to the transformation of these remains into fossil fuels.

3. Energy Storage: During this transformation, the organic matter undergoes a chemical change known as carbonization. The carbon-rich compounds in the plants and animals become concentrated in the resulting fossil fuels. This process involves a lot of carbon being stored in the fuels, and it is the carbon bonds that contain the potential energy.

4. Release of Energy: When fossil fuels are burned, the carbon bonds in the molecules break, and the stored energy is released. This process is called combustion. The energy released during combustion is in the form of heat and is used for various purposes, such as heating homes, generating electricity, and powering vehicles.

Now let's evaluate Kevin's statement:

A) Kevin is right. The energy in the Sun was transferred directly into fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

While it is true that the Sun is the ultimate source of energy for most of Earth's processes, in the case of fossil fuels, the energy does not come directly from the Sun. Rather, it originated from the ancient plants and animals that formed fossil fuels. The Sun's energy plays a role in the growth of these plants through photosynthesis, but it is not directly responsible for the energy stored in fossil fuels.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) Breanna is right. The energy in fossil fuels was first created by the ancient plants and animals that formed fossil fuels.