Rewrite the set using the interval notation:

(- ∞, 2) n (- ∞, 5)

I know how to do it if i have a set builder notation but this is nowhere in the text section that I can see an example of.

Huh? This is interval notation.

However, the intersection of the two intervals is just [2,5)

I meant (- ∞, 2)

If we call the two intervals A and B, then my first post was B-A, not A∩B

I'm a total moron. Thanks dude.

So the intersection is (- ∞, 2)

yes, anything to the right of 2 is no longer in the second set

To rewrite the given set using interval notation, we need to find the intersection (common elements) between the two intervals. The set (-∞, 2) represents all real numbers less than 2 (but not including 2), and the set (-∞, 5) represents all real numbers less than 5 (but not including 5).

To find the intersection, we look for the values that satisfy both conditions, which in this case means finding the largest number that is less than 2 and 5. Since we want the largest common element, we choose the smaller of the two values, which is 2.

Therefore, the intersection of (-∞, 2) and (-∞, 5) is the set (-∞, 2). We can rewrite this set using interval notation as:
(-∞, 2)