The digits at the ten place and thousand place are inter changed in the number 71920396. which number original or new

so, do you know which are the 10's and 1000's places?

If so, swap the digits.
If not, you need to review the topic, eh?

as for your supposed question,
which number original or new
makes no sense at all.

This would be at the nearest tenths place 71,920,396.0

And this would be at the nearest thousands place 71,920,396.000
Hope this helps!

To determine whether the original or the new number is bigger after interchanging the digits at the ten place and thousand place, you need to compare the two numbers.

Starting with the original number: 71920396

Interchanging the digits at the ten place and thousand place gives us the new number: 71902396

Now, compare the original number with the new number by looking at the two digits in question: the digit at the ten place (1) and the digit at the thousand place (2).

In the original number (71920396), the digit at the ten place is 1, and the digit at the thousand place is 2.

In the new number (71902396), the digit at the ten place is 2, and the digit at the thousand place is 1.

Comparing these two digits, we can see that the digit at the ten place is bigger in the new number (2) compared to the original number (1).

Therefore, the new number (71902396) is bigger than the original number (71920396).