The chart below (Monday:2,600, Tuesday: 3,100, Wednesday: 2,800 and Thursday: 3,200)displays Jim's sales for the first four days of his work week. Jim's boss told him that he would get a promotion if his mean sales for Monday through Friday were at or above 3,000. what is the minimum amount of sales Jim needs to produce to get his promotion

5 * 3,000 = 15,000

His total for the first 4 days is 11,700

15,000 - 11,700 = ________

15,000 - 11,700 = 3,300 right?


no it equals 3 lol jk

the answer is 8.73 I just did the problem and I got it right .

Thank me later :)

To determine the minimum amount of sales Jim needs to produce to get his promotion, we need to calculate the total sales for all five days (Monday through Friday) and then find the mean sales.

Let's first add up the sales for Monday through Thursday: 2,600 + 3,100 + 2,800 + 3,200 = 11,700.

To find the minimum amount of sales Jim needs on Friday, we can use the formula for mean: Mean = Total Sales / Number of Days.

To calculate the mean sales, we need to include the sales from Friday. We know the total number of days, which is 5, and the mean sales needs to be at least 3,000.

Mean = Total Sales / Number of Days
3,000 = (11,700 + Friday's Sales) / 5

To isolate Friday's Sales, we can rearrange the equation:
(11,700 + Friday's Sales) = 3,000 * 5
11,700 + Friday's Sales = 15,000

Next, let's solve for Friday's Sales:
Friday's Sales = 15,000 - 11,700
Friday's Sales = 3,300

Therefore, Jim needs to make a minimum of 3,300 sales on Friday to reach a mean of 3,000 for the entire week and qualify for his promotion.