What does this mean?

Hay días tontos y tontos todos los días

From translate.google.com:

There are fools days, and fools every day

Does that make sense?

Now you try.


What are you reading? Don Quixote??

Qué idiota, se le olvidó cerrar la puerta otra vez.

Not reading anything, just self teaching myself Spanish!

I've always wanted to learn a different language!

Translate this because this is you! Es una profesora de español maravillosa.

¡Gracias! Pero aprendí latín, y el español está cerca.

The phrase "Hay días tontos y tontos todos los días" is a humorous expression in Spanish that can be translated as "There are silly days, and there are silly people every day." It suggests that not only are there occasional silly or foolish days, but also people who consistently demonstrate silliness every day.

If you come across a phrase or expression in a different language and would like to understand its meaning, you can use various resources to help you. Here's an example of how you can find the translation and meaning of a phrase:

1. Online Translation Tools: Use an online translation tool like Google Translate or DeepL. You can simply input the phrase into the provided text box and select the source and target languages. These tools can provide a quick translation, but keep in mind that they may not capture the full nuance or context of the phrase.

2. Bilingual Dictionaries: Consult bilingual dictionaries specifically designed for the language combination you are working with, such as Spanish-English or Spanish-Spanish dictionaries. These dictionaries often provide multiple translations and explanations for a given phrase or expression.

3. Language Learning Apps: Utilize language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel, which offer translation features alongside interactive language lessons. These apps can provide both translations and explanations of phrases in context, helping you better understand their meaning and usage.

4. Language Forums and Communities: Engage with language forums or communities, such as Reddit's language-learning subreddits or language-specific forums, where you can ask questions and seek explanations from native speakers or language enthusiasts.

By leveraging these tools and resources, you can decipher the meaning of unfamiliar phrases or expressions in different languages.

Yes, thanks SOOO Much!!