The area of a rectangular carpet is a^2+8a+3a+24 square units. What is the length and width of this carpet as an expression?

a^2+8a+3a+24=(a+8)(a+3)=area= LW

so L=a+8

To find the length and width of the rectangular carpet as expressions, we need to factor the given expression.

The expression provided is:
a^2 + 8a + 3a + 24

We can group the terms together:
(a^2 + 8a) + (3a + 24)

Now, let's find the greatest common factor for each grouped term and factor them separately:
a(a + 8) + 3(a + 8)

Now, we have the common binomial factor (a + 8):
(a + 8)(a + 3)

Therefore, the length of the rectangular carpet can be expressed as (a + 8) and the width can be expressed as (a + 3).