If someone can help me with this English paper I would appreciate it very much!! It's about music and the topic is: Should there be music education in all high schools?(Why or why not?) Please help, it has to be a paragraph not a sentence.. also in third person point of view.., so please can someone help!!?

What do YOU think? What is your reason for thinking that?

I'm sure you don't want me thinking for you.

Music education helps with intelligence with the brain function.

How does it do that? What is the source of your information?

Are there any other reasons for teaching music in high school?

Read about it:


Of course, I can help with that! To start, you can begin your paragraph by introducing the topic. For example, "The question of whether there should be music education in all high schools is a matter of significant debate."

Next, you can provide a reason supporting the inclusion of music education. One possible approach could be emphasizing the numerous cognitive and developmental benefits music education provides. You can mention how music education helps in enhancing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities among students. For example, "Proponents argue that music education stimulates the brain and fosters essential skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving."

Next, you can provide a counterargument or an opposing viewpoint. This will add balance and credibility to your paragraph. For example, you could present the concern that including music education in all high schools may divert resources from other subjects. For instance, "However, opponents suggest that limited resources could be better allocated to core subjects such as math and science, putting music education at risk."

Finally, you can conclude your paragraph by providing a balanced perspective that acknowledges both sides of the debate. For example, "In conclusion, the importance of music education in high schools cannot be denied, as it has been shown to have tangible cognitive benefits. However, it is crucial to strike a balance to ensure that resources are allocated effectively, considering the diverse needs of students."

Remember to maintain a consistent third-person point of view throughout the paragraph. You can use phrases such as "supporters argue" and "opponents suggest" to ensure this perspective.