You start a search for a buried object by marking the center of a field as (0, 0), with coordinates giving

distances in yards. Coordinates to the north or east are positive, and coordinates to the south or west are
negative. You find nothing at (–5, 3), so you try a likely looking spot 6 yards to the east and 5 yards to the
south of the first spot. What are the coordinates of the second spot?

i need help please i need a explnation on how they get (1,-2) because my answer was but i got it back and it said

(0, 0)
(–9, –5)***
(–3, –2)
(1, –2)~~~this one

I assume you know how to plot points on the x-y plane

east ---> go to the right (add)
south ---> go down (subtract)

You said : 6 yards to the east and 5 yards to the south of the first spot.
so from (0,0) add 6 to the x, and subtract 5 from the y -----> (6,-5) , not a choice

If you have a typo and you meant from the second spot.
from (-5,3) add 6 to the x, and subtract 5 from the y -----> (1,-2) , one of the choices

How could you possibly get (-9,-5) ???

(1,-2) is correct

why not just write the answers instead of the letters? i’ll come back with the answers when i get them

If I were you guys I would Just look up the answers individually I know its a pain but you'll get a better score than these so called "right answers" That's what I'm doing let me tell ya you'll get a waaaay better score just saying.

someone should post the answers but instead of the letter of the question just post the actual answer that way even if the answers are mixed you can still get it

yeah. the answers are different so if u say its d then its b on someone elses test because the teacher swapped the answers so your going to have to write the answers out, dont put letters like b d c bcs either way they r wrong.

All of these are rong literally I mean like really on a test look this is what 100% looks like people

Sorry but next two are up to you because Idk if I'm right on them 🤝👍

WHAT IS THE ANSWER!!!?!!!????!!!!!!!

Guyssssssss help meee P l e a s e. I have bin failing for the past few years and was always so close to be held back because I'm dumb sorry? And because of all these losers saying "itS the CorrEct aNsweRs" "bElEIvE mE" 100%" when its litterlly the same person but just changed they're name. I always fail because of those. Why do you do this huh? JUST GIVE ME THE D A M N RIGHT ANSWERS

Thank you Reiny for helping