Train A and Train B are traveling towards each other but are 2,100 miles apart. Train A is traveling at 50 mph and Train B is traveling at 35 mph. When will they collide?

The relative velocity is 85mph, and the distance is 2100 miles

In reality, the trains will have to stop for fuel and maintenance.

solve for time.

24.7 hours

To find out when Train A and Train B will collide, we need to calculate how long it will take for them to cover the distance between them, which is 2,100 miles.

First, we calculate the relative speed of Train A and Train B by adding their speeds:
Relative speed = Speed of Train A + Speed of Train B = 50 mph + 35 mph = 85 mph.

Now, we can use the formula: Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 2,100 miles / 85 mph ≈ 24.7 hours

Therefore, Train A and Train B will collide approximately 24.7 hours after they start traveling towards each other.