Name two types of evidence used to support the theory of evolution. Explain how scientists use each type of evidence to provide support for evolution. Give one example of each.

I need 6 sentences please help I still need to finish other classes and I only have 3 days

1. Molecular evidence: similar proteins and genes found in closely related species, even if those genes are not used by an organism.

2. Fossil evidence: organisms changing form over time through the fossil record.
These should help you answer the question

come on i need to get this done jshfjksf

So has any one got an answer?

she said do not use molecular as evedince

Hey thanks a lot Sub2Plapper you are the real deal!

Two types of evidence used to support the theory of evolution are fossil records and comparative anatomy. Scientists use fossil records to study the remains of ancient organisms and trace the changes in species over time. For example, the discovery of transitional fossils, such as Archaeopteryx, which shows a mix of bird and reptilian features, provides evidence for the evolution of dinosaurs into birds.

Comparative anatomy involves studying the anatomical structures of different species to identify similarities and differences. Scientists use this evidence to infer evolutionary relationships between species. For instance, comparing the limb structure of mammals like humans, dogs, and bats reveals similar skeletal patterns, suggesting a common ancestor.

In both cases, scientists collect and analyze data to form a comprehensive understanding of how species have changed over time. They diligently excavate and study fossils from various geological layers, documenting the similarities and differences. Additionally, they examine the internal and external structures of living organisms, noting shared traits and adaptations. By carefully compiling and analyzing these data, scientists build a strong case for the theory of evolution, bolstering its explanatory power and credibility.

amen brother/sister


the teacher on the modifacation notes

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