does anybody know a picture i could draw to describe uncanny????? it can be anything that is uncanny also

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The first thing I would do is to search the definition/s for "uncanny" in a good dictionary: 1 a : seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : EERIE, MYSTERIOUS b : being beyond what is normal or expected : suggesting superhuman or supernatural powers <an uncanny sense of direction>
2 : chiefly Scottish : SEVERE, PUNISHING
synonym see WEIRD

Now, let your imagination soar! One example could be Superman who can see through solid walls or Spiderman who can leap from building to building, etc.

To find a picture that could describe "uncanny," you can follow these steps:

1. Search for images related to "uncanny" on an image search engine or website. You can use popular search engines like Google Images, Bing Images, or specialized platforms like Flickr or Unsplash.

2. Begin the search by typing in the keyword "uncanny" or related terms like "eerie," "mysterious," or "supernatural."

3. Browse through the images that come up in the search results. Look for pictures that evoke a strange or unsettling feeling, something that deviates from the normal or expected.

4. Pay attention to elements like lighting, composition, and subjects that create a sense of unease or confusion. Shadows, distorted faces, surreal landscapes, or strange creatures can all contribute to the uncanny sensation.

5. Once you find an image that you believe represents the concept of "uncanny," you can use that as a reference to create your own drawing. You can either recreate the image in your own style or incorporate certain elements from it into your drawing.

Remember, the concept of "uncanny" can vary from person to person, so what you find uncanny might be different from what others perceive. Therefore, trusting your own judgment and perspective is crucial in selecting a suitable picture for inspiration.