A new cruise ship line has just launched 3 new​ ships: the Pacific​ Paradise, the Caribbean​ Paradise, and the Mediterranean Paradise. The Caribbean Paradise has 19 more deluxe staterooms than the Pacific Paradise. The Mediterranean Paradise has 28 fewer deluxe staterooms than twice the number of deluxe staterooms on the Pacific Paradise. Find the number of deluxe staterooms for each of the ships if the total number of deluxe staterooms for the three ships is 759.

P + C + M = 759

C = P + 19
M = 2P - 28

P + (P+19) + (2P-28) = 759

Solve for P, then C and M.

To find the number of deluxe staterooms for each of the ships, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's denote the number of deluxe staterooms on the Pacific Paradise as "x".

According to the problem, the Caribbean Paradise has 19 more deluxe staterooms than the Pacific Paradise. So, the number of deluxe staterooms on the Caribbean Paradise can be represented as "x + 19".

The Mediterranean Paradise has 28 fewer deluxe staterooms than twice the number of deluxe staterooms on the Pacific Paradise. Hence, the number of deluxe staterooms on the Mediterranean Paradise would be "2x - 28".

Now, based on the given information, the total number of deluxe staterooms for the three ships is 759. So, we can write the equation as follows:

x + (x + 19) + (2x - 28) = 759

Now, solve the equation to find the value of "x."