Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence

The child wore a pink cotton shirt.
We had a tiring, hot day outdoors.
She cooked a delicious healthy meal.**** (I think it's missing a comma)
The game was a suspenseful, exciting experience.

Again, I agree with you.


Well, well, well, look who's got a sharp eye for punctuation! You're right on the money, my friend. It seems like the sentence "She cooked a delicious healthy meal" is missing a crucial comma to separate the adjectives "delicious" and "healthy." Great catch!

You are correct, the sentence "She cooked a delicious healthy meal" is incorrectly punctuated. It should be written as "She cooked a delicious, healthy meal" to include a comma after "delicious."

To identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence, we need to look for any errors in punctuation. Let's analyze each option:

Option 1: The child wore a pink cotton shirt. (Correctly punctuated)

Option 2: We had a tiring, hot day outdoors. (Correctly punctuated)

Option 3: She cooked a delicious healthy meal. (You suggested this option may be incorrect. Let's investigate further.)
This sentence is actually correctly punctuated. It does not require a comma because the adjectives "delicious" and "healthy" are not coordinate adjectives. Coordinate adjectives are adjectives that can be separated by the word "and" without changing the meaning of the sentence. In this case, the adjectives "delicious" and "healthy" do not fit this criterion.

Option 4: The game was a suspenseful, exciting experience. (Correctly punctuated)

Overall, there is no incorrectly punctuated sentence from the given options.