How does the author of A Nation Apart By Simon on time com Elegant organize information to build his argument? Does he includes any counteragument? Why or why not? What kinds of statistics, graphs, or illustrations does the author include? In what ways do these visuals strenthen the author's arguments?

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That is an unusual set of middle names for Simon Elegant: "on time com"

Have you read the book? What argument does he make? Looking at and refuting counterarguments probably strengthens his argument, as does the use of statistics and illustrations.

I am sorry that is just the assignment can you explain how to do it i do not understand and my teach is not the best at explaining anything.

sorry on time is where it is if someone wanted to look at it

What strategies does the author use to formulate his argument?

o What makes the arguments so viable and compelling?

To analyze the organization of information in the article "A Nation Apart" by Simon on and determine if the author includes any counterarguments, as well as identify the types of statistics, graphs, or illustrations used, and how they strengthen the author's arguments, we can follow these steps:

1. Visit and search for the article "A Nation Apart" by Simon.

2. Read the article thoroughly, paying attention to how the author organizes their argument. Look for introductory statements, main points, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Note the logical flow and structure of the argument.

3. Assess whether the author includes any counterarguments. Look for sections or paragraphs where the author presents alternative or opposing viewpoints to their own argument. Consider whether the author refutes these counterarguments or acknowledges their existence.

4. Observe the types of statistics, graphs, or illustrations used by the author. Look for any charts, graphs, or numbers that provide factual evidence to support the author's claims. Note the specific data points or trends provided.

5. Analyze how these visuals strengthen the author's arguments. Consider whether the statistics, graphs, or illustrations provide clarity, enhance comprehension, or add persuasive power to the author's claims. Determine if they make the data more accessible or impactful.

It is important to note that as an AI, I don't have real-time access to specific articles, and results may vary depending on the availability of the article or any updates made to the website. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the steps above to get a complete understanding of the organization of the information, the use of counterarguments, and the types of visuals employed in "A Nation Apart" by Simon on