I scored a 3456 on my math Scantron, and I tried to look it up and read through the pdf that Scantron provides to explain scores, but it was no help. Can anyone tell me if this is a good, average, or bad score? Thanks!

Hmmm. must not be that high a score, if you can't figure out how to use google to find various explanations. Try starting with this one:


It has charts and graphs and everything.

To determine if a score of 3456 on a math Scantron is good, average, or bad, we need more information about the scoring system used by the Scantron. The score alone is not sufficient to make a judgment.

Usually, Scantron scores are based on the number of correct answers, with a higher score indicating more correct answers. However, without specific information about your Scantron test, it is difficult to provide a definitive evaluation.

To get a better understanding of your score, first, consult any instructions or references provided with your Scantron test. These materials should explain how the scores are calculated and what the score range signifies. If the information is unclear or unavailable, you can try the following steps:

1. Contact your teacher or instructor: Reach out to the person who administered the Scantron test, such as your math teacher, and ask for clarification on the scoring system used. They should be able to explain whether 3456 is considered a good, average, or bad score in the context of your specific test.

2. Seek class or school averages: Find out if your school or class has an average score for the math Scantron test. By comparing your score to the class average, you can gauge how well you performed relative to your peers.

Remember, the interpretation of a score can vary depending on various factors, including the difficulty level of the test, the average scores, and the scoring scale. It's always best to refer to the instructions or seek clarification from the appropriate authority to get an accurate evaluation of your score.