What is the percentage of water in the hydrate CoCl2 • 6H2O? Show work

I'm confused whether it's 52.17% or 45%

45.39 %

mm = molar mass

mm CoCl2.6H2O= (mm CoCl2 + mm H2O x 6)= ??
mm H2O x 6 = ?

%H2O =( mm H2Ox6/mm CoCl2.6H2O)*100 = ?

mm CoCl2.6H2O= (mm CoCl2 + mm H2O x 6)= 108g H2O

%H2O =( mm H2Ox6/mm CoCl2.6H2O)*100 = ?45%?????

3 where?

At the end! That means not 45% but 45.1% or 45.2% or 45.3% or whatever that third digit is..

To calculate the percentage of water in the hydrate CoCl2 • 6H2O, we need to find the molecular weight of water and the molecular weight of the entire hydrate compound. Then we can use these values to calculate the percentage.

Step 1: Find the molecular weight of water (H2O)
The molecular weight of one water molecule (H2O) is calculated by adding the atomic mass of two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (O).
H: atomic mass = 1
O: atomic mass = 16

Molecular weight of H2O = (2 * atomic mass of H) + (1 * atomic mass of O)
= (2 * 1) + 16
= 2 + 16
= 18 g/mol

Step 2: Find the molecular weight of the entire hydrate compound (CoCl2 • 6H2O)
The molecular weight of the hydrate compound is calculated by adding the atomic masses of the constituent atoms.
Co: atomic mass = 59
Cl: atomic mass = 35.5 (Chlorine is diatomic in this compound, hence, we multiply it by 2)
H2O: molecular weight = 18 g/mol (from Step 1)

Molecular weight of CoCl2 • 6H2O = (1 * atomic mass of Co) + (2 * atomic mass of Cl) + (6 * molecular weight of H2O)
= (1 * 59) + (2 * 35.5) + (6 * 18)
= 59 + 71 + 108
= 238 g/mol

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of water

% of water = (molecular weight of water / molecular weight of the hydrate compound) * 100
= (18 / 238) * 100
= 0.0756 * 100
= 7.56%

Therefore, the percentage of water in the hydrate CoCl2 • 6H2O is 7.56%.

It seems that neither 52.17% nor 45% is correct.

(108/237.9)*100 = about 45% but with that many significant digits in the numbers I would have used AT LEAST 3 in the answer)