Help thanks...what are some examples, no, all examples of isopentagons that you know of/can think of? I'm making some tessellations and I only know one type. Thanks in advance.

To find examples of isopentagons, let's first clarify what an isopentagon is. An isopentagon is a polygon with five sides of equal length.

To visualize an isopentagon, you can start by drawing a regular pentagon, which is a polygon with five sides of equal length. Then, you can adjust the lengths of the sides until they are all the same. Keep in mind that the angles between the sides must also be equal for it to be an isopentagon.

Here is an example of an isopentagon:

/ \
/ \
/ \

Each side of this isopentagon is of equal length, making it an isopentagon.

Keep in mind that there may be other variations of isopentagons that exist, but they would need to fulfill the requirement of having five sides of equal length. You can explore different arrangements of sides and angles to find more examples.

Good luck with your tessellations!