Which statement is an opinion?

Marco Polo noticed everything from the clothes the people wore to the food they ate.

Once in China, the Polos arrived at the palace of the powerful emperor Kublai Khan.

It is likely that Marco Polo thought he had seen the entire world and could not imagine going any farther. THIS ONE

Marco Polo describes in great detail what he saw on his visits to places where few Europeans had ever seen.

Yes, you are right.

The statement that is an opinion is: "It is likely that Marco Polo thought he had seen the entire world and could not imagine going any farther."

To determine which statement is an opinion, we need to understand that an opinion is a personal belief or judgment that cannot be proven right or wrong. In this case, the statement about Marco Polo's thoughts is based on assumptions or speculation, as we do not have direct evidence or facts to confirm what he actually thought. The other statements provide factual information about Marco Polo's observations and descriptions.