can you give me a sentence for each of these words? thanks

1. swaggering
2. poignant
3. compelling
4. intriguing
5. riveting
6. edification
7. mesmerize
8. decibel
9. teleportation
10. damsel
11. rubbish
12. tattoo
13. optimum
14. cretin
15. subtle

Thanks again!

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think and write.

The swaggering governor, a true cretin, believed he could mesmerize the damsel with his rubbish shouted at a high decibel.

Thanks for the support :(

Did you mean one sentence per each word or one sentence that includes all of the words?!

1. He walked into the room with a swaggering gait, exuding confidence.

To find a sentence for the word "swaggering," you can search online for example sentences or use a dictionary that provides sample sentences for words.

2. The movie's ending was so poignant that it brought tears to my eyes.
To find a sentence for the word "poignant," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

3. The compelling storyline of the book kept me reading late into the night.
To find a sentence for the word "compelling," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

4. The intriguing plot twist left me clamoring for more.
To find a sentence for the word "intriguing," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

5. The novel was so riveting that I couldn't put it down until I finished it.
To find a sentence for the word "riveting," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

6. The self-help book provided valuable edification on personal growth and self-improvement.
To find a sentence for the word "edification," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

7. The magician's performance mesmerized the entire audience.
To find a sentence for the word "mesmerize," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

8. The concert was so loud that it reached a decibel level that was damaging to the ears.
To find a sentence for the word "decibel," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

9. In science fiction movies, teleportation is often portrayed as a way to instantly transport from one place to another.
To find a sentence for the word "teleportation," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

10. The prince rescued the damsel in distress from the tower.
To find a sentence for the word "damsel," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

11. He often talks a lot of rubbish and rarely makes sense.
To find a sentence for the word "rubbish," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

12. She got a tattoo of a butterfly on her ankle to symbolize freedom.
To find a sentence for the word "tattoo," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

13. The optimum temperature for this recipe is 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
To find a sentence for the word "optimum," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

14. The politician's ignorant remarks made him appear like a cretin in the eyes of the public.
To find a sentence for the word "cretin," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.

15. The artist used subtle brushstrokes to create a sense of depth in the painting.
To find a sentence for the word "subtle," you can search for example sentences online or refer to a dictionary.