can you give me a sentence for each of these words? thanks

1. swaggering
2. poignant
3. compelling
4. intriguing
5. riveting
6. edification
7. mesmerize
8. decibel
9. teleportation
10. damsel
11. rubbish
12. tattoo
13. optimum
14. cretin
15. subtle

Thanks again!

Yep. I could easily give you a sentence for each of those words. I learned their usages with years of practice.

Your teacher assigned these sentences so that YOU would get the practice of understanding their meanings and uses.

Why did i put up this question if i already know the meanings? Can i get a better answer?

Yes. Find their meanings.

I don't need further acquaintance from Ms. Sue. So, good day! Someone else please answer this question! Thanks! :)

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think and write.

Haz: Ms. Sue gave you a perfectably appropriate response and there is no reply in a snotty manner!

1. He walked into the room with a swaggering confidence, demanding everyone's attention.

To find a sentence for the word "swaggering," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

2. The movie's ending was so poignant that it left the audience in tears.
To find a sentence for the word "poignant," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

3. The speaker delivered a compelling argument that convinced even the skeptics in the audience.
To find a sentence for the word "compelling," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

4. The detective was drawn to the intriguing mystery surrounding the old abandoned house.
To find a sentence for the word "intriguing," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

5. The novel was so riveting that I couldn't put it down until I finished it.
To find a sentence for the word "riveting," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

6. The book provided valuable edification on the history of ancient civilizations.
To find a sentence for the word "edification," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

7. The magician's performance was so mesmerizing that the entire crowd was held spellbound.
To find a sentence for the word "mesmerize," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

8. The concert was so loud that it reached a decibel level that could damage hearing.
To find a sentence for the word "decibel," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

9. I wish teleportation was real so I could instantly travel to any place I desired.
To find a sentence for the word "teleportation," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

10. The knight in shining armor rescued the damsel in distress from the clutches of the evil dragon.
To find a sentence for the word "damsel," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

11. He couldn't believe his friend's insistence that the conspiracy theories were true; he considered them all rubbish.
To find a sentence for the word "rubbish," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

12. She decided to get a delicate butterfly tattoo on her wrist.
To find a sentence for the word "tattoo," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

13. The company found the optimum balance between quality and cost for their product.
To find a sentence for the word "optimum," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

14. He didn't appreciate being called a cretin just because he made a mistake.
To find a sentence for the word "cretin," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.

15. The artist added subtle details to the painting, giving it an air of mystery.
To find a sentence for the word "subtle," you could use online dictionaries, thesauruses, or search engines. Simply type in the word and look for example sentences provided by trusted sources.