1. Behavioral therapy began with _______________. (1 point)

Ivan Pavlov
B.F. Skinner
John Watson***
Erik Erikson
Read the statement. Choose the correct answer.
2. Watson is most (in)famous for performing experiments on ______________. (1 point)
A baby***
a monkey
A dog
His mother
Read the statement. Choose the correct answer.
3. Whose work with dogs was most influential in the development of behaviorist ideas? (1 point)
Ivan Pavlov***
B.F. Skinner
John Watson
Harry Harlow
Read the statement. Choose the correct answer.
4. Behavioral therapies use _____________ to eliminate or reduce unwanted reactions to external situations, one’s thoughts and feelings, and bodily sensations or functions. (1 point)
Unconscious resolution***
Learning principles
Behavioral remodeling
Response reaction
Read the statement. Choose the correct answer.
5. Within the field of psychology, why would Watson’s experiments be considered controversial? (1 point)
Because they cost a tremendous amount of money
Because they consisted strictly of correlation research
The data had no practical applicability
Because it would be considered unethical to perform experiments that might cause physical or psychological harm to the subject**



I'm not sure about 4, but the rest are right.

4 is learning principles

You're welcome is right

Thanks "You're welcome" the last 5 haven't been graded yet but the first 5 are right

1. Behavioral therapy began with John Watson. To answer this question, you can either recall the information from your own knowledge or do a quick Google search on the history of behavioral therapy.

2. Watson is most (in)famous for performing experiments on a baby. To answer this question, you can either recall the information from your own knowledge or do a quick Google search on Watson's famous experiment known as the "Little Albert" experiment, where he conditioned a baby to fear a white rat.

3. Whose work with dogs was most influential in the development of behaviorist ideas? The correct answer is Ivan Pavlov. To answer this question, you can either recall the information from your own knowledge or do a quick Google search on Ivan Pavlov's famous dog experiments which led to the development of classical conditioning.

4. Behavioral therapies use learning principles to eliminate or reduce unwanted reactions to external situations, one's thoughts and feelings, and bodily sensations or functions. The correct answer is learning principles. To answer this question, you can either recall the information from your own knowledge or do a quick Google search on the principles and techniques used in behavioral therapy.

5. Within the field of psychology, Watson's experiments would be considered controversial because it would be considered unethical to perform experiments that might cause physical or psychological harm to the subject. To answer this question, you can either recall the information from your own knowledge or do a quick Google search on the controversy surrounding Watson's "Little Albert" experiment and ethical considerations in research with human subjects.