1. During the civil war that began in Guatemala about 1960, ___________

A. The Maya's gained political power.
***B. The Maya's benefitted from land reform.
C. Many Maya's lost all of their belongings
D. The Maya's agreed to share political power.

I disagree.


What is the answer?

The Answer is C.Many Mayas lost all of their belongings.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the options and eliminate the possible choices.

A. The Maya's gained political power - This option suggests that the Maya people gained political power during the civil war in Guatemala. However, there is no historical evidence to support this claim.

B. The Maya's benefitted from land reform - This option suggests that the Maya people benefited from land reform during the civil war in Guatemala. Land reform is a potential strategy to address social injustices, but without further context or evidence, it is difficult to determine if this occurred during the civil war.

C. Many Maya's lost all of their belongings - This option suggests that many Maya people lost all of their belongings during the civil war in Guatemala. While it is plausible that people would suffer losses and displacement during a war, we cannot confirm if this happened to the Maya specifically without further information.

D. The Maya's agreed to share political power - This option suggests that the Maya people agreed to share political power during the civil war in Guatemala. Again, without additional context or evidence, it is challenging to determine the accuracy of this statement.

Based on the given options, our best choice is B. However, to gather a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the impact of the civil war on the Maya people and the events surrounding it, it would be advisable to consult historical sources and accounts from that time period.