1. Anna mixes the letters s-e-l-e-c-t-e and d thoroughly. Without looking, mary draws one letter. expressed as a fraction, decimal, and percentage. what is the probability that e will not be the letter mary selects

Five of the eight letters are not e.

no he is not

To find the probability of not selecting the letter 'e', we need to determine the total number of letters and the number of letters that are not 'e'.

Step 1: Determine the total number of letters:
In this case, Anna mixed the letters 's', 'e', 'l', 'e', 'c', 't', and 'd'. So there are 7 letters in total.

Step 2: Calculate the number of letters that are not 'e':
Out of the 7 letters, there are 2 'e's and 5 letters that are not 'e'.

Step 3: Calculate the probability:
Probability is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes (not selecting 'e') by the number of possible outcomes (all letters).

Number of favorable outcomes = 5 (letters that are not 'e')
Number of possible outcomes = 7 (total number of letters)

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Number of possible outcomes
= 5 / 7
≈ 0.7143

To express this probability as a fraction, decimal, and percentage:
Fraction: 5/7
Decimal: 0.7143 (rounded to four decimal places)
Percentage: 71.43% (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the probability that Mary will not select the letter 'e' is approximately 5/7, 0.7143, or 71.43%.


Hey everyone, since everyone's math test is different, I am showing the actual answers instead of just putting letters so hopefully this helps Connections students:

1. 5/8, 0.625, 62.5%
2. 1/3, 0.333, 33.3%
3. 2/5
4. 1/6
5. 13/18
6. 30
7. A It shows a graph so that one will be hard to explain so just pick A
8. 32
9. 1/18
10. 13/20
11. 1/9
12. 120
13. 70
14. 5!;120
15. 3/7
16. 132
17. 28
18. 6,840
19. 1/55
20. 10
21 and 22, do yourself but I can give you a piece of advice :) Look up the first workpad's question and then you will scroll down and click a link that says, Math (Pease Help! 2 questions!). Then follow what Reiny says even though there was some tiny errors that hopefully you will spot. So I hope this helps! If not I will help you with these workpads.