read the following passage from the poem "eve to her daughters"

it was not i who began it
turned out into draughty caves,
hungry so often, having to work for our bread,
hearing the children whining,
i was nevertheless not unhappy.
where adam went i was fairly contented to go.
i adapted myself to the punishment: it was my life.

which word best describes the speaker's tone in these lines?
a) blunt
b) doubting
c) pessimistic***
d) sarcastic
i think it's c, am i right?

It's sarcastic, if you check the brainly response, a guy said sarcastic was the answer and got 5 stars + 16 thanks which almost always means it's correct

what is the tone of the speaker?

I only see bluntness. I think she is being stark blunt

I see your point.

I agree -- blunt!

where adam went i was fairly contented to go.
i adapted myself to the punishment: it was my life

I agree with blunt, too.

so it’s blunt..? o.0

To determine the speaker's tone in these lines, we need to analyze the language and context of the passage. The speaker describes being turned out into draughty caves, having to work for their bread, and hearing the children whining. Despite these challenges, the speaker mentions being contented and adapting to the punishment.

Based on this information, the speaker's tone can be best described as "c) pessimistic." The speaker seems to have a negative outlook on their situation, acknowledging the difficulties they face while attempting to find contentment.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to carefully read the passage and consider the overall attitude and emotions conveyed by the speaker. Additionally, understanding the meanings of the potential answer choices and how they relate to the passage is crucial.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the correct answer. The other three options could also be argued as possible tones depending on the reader's interpretation of the passage. It's possible that different readers could perceive different tones in the same text. However, if the majority of the readers on Brainly agreed that sarcastic was the most appropriate tone, then it's likely a plausible interpretation.

Yes, c.