Yassir's grades on four quizzes were 65%,71%,84% and 75%. What grade must he get on the next test to get an average of 76%

To find out what grade Yassir must get on the next test to maintain an average of 76%, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add up the grades of the four quizzes.
65% + 71% + 84% + 75% = 295%

Step 2: Determine the average score of the four quizzes.
295% / 4 = 73.75%

Step 3: Find the difference between the desired average (76%) and the current average (73.75%).
76% - 73.75% = 2.25%

Step 4: Subtract the difference from 100% to find the grade Yassir must get on the next test.
100% - 2.25% = 97.75%

Therefore, Yassir must score at least 97.75% on the next test to maintain an average of 76%.

To find out the grade Yassir must get on the next test to achieve an average of 76%, we need to calculate the total sum of his quiz grades and then determine the score he needs on the fifth test.

Step 1: Find the sum of the current grades
65% + 71% + 84% + 75% = 295%

Step 2: Calculate the average of the current grades
295% / 4 quizzes = 73.75%

Step 3: Calculate the desired total average
(76% average) * (5 quizzes) = 380%

Step 4: Find the score Yassir needs on the next test
380% - 295% = 85%

Therefore, Yassir needs to score 85% on the next test to achieve an average of 76% across all five quizzes.

He needs a total of 380 points.

Add up the grades he has and subtract from 380. That's what he needs on hes next test.