In a survey conducted among a group of adults, how many of them reported owning a pet?

To determine the number of adults who reported owning a pet in the survey, you would need to access the survey data or results. One common way to conduct a survey is by using a questionnaire or online form.

Here's a potential approach to obtaining the desired information:

1. Design a survey: Create a questionnaire that includes questions about pet ownership. Make sure to include a specific question that asks whether the respondent owns a pet.

2. Distribute the survey: Choose a representative sample of adults and distribute the survey to them. You can use various methods, such as in-person interviews, email invitations, or online survey platforms.

3. Collect survey responses: Once the survey is distributed, wait for the respondents to complete it. Depending on the distribution method, you may need to give participants a deadline.

4. Analyze the survey data: After collecting all responses, compile the data systematically. Look for the specific question asking about pet ownership and record the number of adults who reported having a pet.

5. Calculate the number: Sum up the number of survey participants who reported owning a pet to determine the total count. This will represent the number of adults who reported having a pet in the survey.

It's worth noting that the results from this survey would only reflect the pet ownership trends among the group of participants surveyed. To gain insights about the entire adult population, a larger and more diverse sample size would be needed.

To determine the number of adults who reported owning a pet in a survey, you will need the following information:

1. Total number of participants in the survey.
2. Number of participants who reported owning a pet.

Once you have these details, you can calculate the number of adults who reported owning a pet by following these steps:

Step 1: Write down the total number of participants in the survey.
Step 2: Write down the number of participants who reported owning a pet.
Step 3: Subtract the number of participants who reported owning a pet from the total number of participants.
Step 4: The result will be the number of adults who reported owning a pet.