find the sum of the numbers between 60 and 80 that are divisible by 9

What are the numbers between 60 and 80 that are divisible by 9?


To find the sum of the numbers between 60 and 80 that are divisible by 9, follow these steps:

1. Identify the divisible numbers: To find the numbers between 60 and 80 that are divisible by 9, you need to check if each number in that range is divisible by 9. You can do this by dividing each number by 9 and checking if there is a remainder. If there is no remainder, then the number is divisible by 9.

2. List the divisible numbers: In this case, we need to find the numbers between 60 and 80. So, we evaluate each number from 60 to 80 and check if they are divisible by 9. To make it easier, I will list the numbers that are divisible by 9 between 60 and 80: 63, 72, 81.

3. Calculate the sum: Now that we have our list of divisible numbers, we can calculate their sum by adding them up. In this case, 63 + 72 + 81 = 216.

Therefore, the sum of the numbers between 60 and 80 that are divisible by 9 is 216.