Choose the graph that shows the solution of the inequality on the number line.

c < -1

please help!!!

To find the solution to the inequality c < -1, we need to graph it on a number line. Here's how you can do it:

1. Draw a number line and mark a point for -1.

2. Since the inequality is c < -1, we need to shade everything to the left of -1. This represents all the values of c that are less than -1.

3. Leave an open circle at -1 to indicate that -1 itself is not included in the solution.

4. The graph should look like this:

-1 ----o------------------------------------

So, the correct graph that shows the solution to the inequality c < -1 is the one with an open circle at -1 and a shaded region to the left of it.

It asked for a graph on the number line, so

on your number line, mark -1 with an "open" circle, then an arrow going to the left.