i really need help answering this question and was wondering if anyone could help please!

Outline and discuss the view that BME youths commit crime because of disadvantage

You need to explain what BME means. I searched Google under the key words "BME" to get this source:


From this source, I assume that you mean "Black and Minority Ethnic persons or groups."

Members of these groups are more likely to live in economically disadvantaged areas, where many positive opportunities are not available, but joining into criminal activities are.

Searching under "BME youth crime cause," I got:


These sources are from England, but since you are using the "BME" acronym (which I have never encountered before), I assume that you are probably from England too.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

The question is asking for an outline and discussion of the view that BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) youths commit crime because of disadvantage.

To start, we need to understand what BME means, which stands for Black and Minority Ethnic persons or groups. This refers to individuals who belong to racial or ethnic groups that are not the majority in a given country or region.

One can assume that BME youths are more likely to live in economically disadvantaged areas where positive opportunities may be limited. This might lead them to engage in criminal activities as a means of survival or because they lack access to other avenues for success.

To gather more information and gain different perspectives on this topic, a search on the internet using keywords such as "BME youth crime cause" can be conducted. The search results provided include various sources from England that discuss the causes of BME youth crime.

It is worth noting that while the sources provided are from England, the issue of youth crime resulting from disadvantage is not limited to this specific location. However, the specific challenges and circumstances faced by BME youths may vary depending on the country or region they are in.

To fully answer the question and provide a comprehensive outline and discussion, it is recommended to read through the sources mentioned and extract relevant information, arguments, and viewpoints. This will help in forming an understanding of the view that BME youths commit crime due to disadvantage and enable the development of a well-structured and informed response.