6. The following are hypothetical exchange rates: 2 euros = 1 pound; $1 = 2 pounds. We can conclude that

A. 1 euro = $2.
B. $1 = 4 euros.******my answer
C. $1 = .5 euros.
D. 1 euro = $.50.


I don't know why your teacher or test maker chose to be so off-base, though.

1 US Dollar equals
0.85 Euro

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the given exchange rates step-by-step:

1. The first exchange rate states that 2 euros = 1 pound.
2. The second exchange rate states that $1 = 2 pounds.

To find the equivalent value between euros and dollars, we can combine both exchange rates.

If 1 pound equals 2 euros (from the first exchange rate), and $1 equals 2 pounds (from the second exchange rate), we can conclude that:

1 pound = 2 euros = $1

Since we want to find the equivalent value between euros and dollars, we can rewrite the above equation as:

2 euros = $1

Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. $1 = 4 euros.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the given exchange rates:

1. 2 euros = 1 pound
2. $1 = 2 pounds

Now, we need to find a connection between euros and dollars. Let's use the given rates to establish a relationship:

1 euro = (1 pound / 2 euros) [by dividing both sides of the first equation by 2]
1 euro = 0.5 pounds

To relate pounds to dollars, we'll use the second rate:

1 pound = ($1 / 2 pounds) [by dividing both sides of the second equation by 2]
1 pound = $0.5

Now, let's substitute the value of 1 pound in euros with its value in dollars:

1 euro = 0.5 pounds = 0.5($0.5) = $0.25

Therefore, we can conclude that 1 euro is equal to $0.25. None of the options provided align with this, so the correct answer is none of the above.