How many different lunch combinations can be made from two sandwich choices, three side item choices, and three beverage choices if you choose one sandwich, one side, and one beverage?


the answer is 18

If the events are independent, the probability of both/all events occurring.

2 * 3 * 3 = ?

To calculate the number of different lunch combinations, we can multiply the number of choices for each category: sandwiches, side items, and beverages.

- Two sandwich choices
- Three side item choices
- Three beverage choices

To choose one sandwich, there are 2 options.
To choose one side item, there are 3 options.
To choose one beverage, there are 3 options.

Therefore, the number of different lunch combinations is calculated as:

2 (sandwiches) * 3 (side items) * 3 (beverages) = 18

So, there are 18 different lunch combinations.

To determine the number of different lunch combinations, we need to multiply the number of choices for each category together.

In this case, we have:
- Two sandwich choices: Let's label them as Sandwich 1 and Sandwich 2.
- Three side item choices: Let's label them as Side 1, Side 2, and Side 3.
- Three beverage choices: Let's label them as Beverage 1, Beverage 2, and Beverage 3.

To choose one sandwich, we have 2 options.
To choose one side item, we have 3 options.
To choose one beverage, we also have 3 options.

To get the total number of combinations, we multiply the number of options for each category together:
2 (sandwich choices) * 3 (side item choices) * 3 (beverage choices) = 18

Therefore, there are 18 different lunch combinations that can be made in this scenario.