I have an exam tomorrow for parenting and i have to write and essay on "what is an ideal parent?" I need some ideas and i need qualities too. thanks

Here are some sites that will give you ideas for your essay.


1) Parents are responsible for

meeting physical needs (food, shelter, clothing, safety, medical)
2) Meeting emotional needs (stability, maturity, emotional control, sense of purpose and worth, self-respect, and respect for others)
3) Nurturing needs (education (including college), personal growth needs, love)In these, a lot of time is involved taking kids to activities such as band practice, football practice, library, scouts, church activities, et al.
Parenting is not free.

To write an essay on the topic "What is an ideal parent?", you would first need to gather ideas and identify qualities associated with being an ideal parent. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Research and brainstorm: Start by researching and gathering information on the topic. Look for articles, books, or studies on parenting to gain insights into different perspectives. As you read, make note of ideas or qualities that stand out to you. Brainstorm your own thoughts and experiences related to the ideal parent.

2. Consider personal experiences: Reflect on your own experiences with parents, whether it's your own parents, friends, or relatives. Think about qualities you admire in them or aspects you find important in a parent-child relationship. These personal insights can add depth and authenticity to your essay.

3. Seek diverse perspectives: Talk to people around you and seek their opinions. Ask friends, family members, or teachers about what they believe makes an ideal parent. This can help you gather a variety of viewpoints and expand your understanding of the topic.

4. Focus on key qualities: Once you have collected ideas and perspectives, identify the key qualities that are commonly associated with an ideal parent. Some examples may include:

- Unconditional love and support: A parent who loves and supports their child, regardless of their successes or failures.
- Effective communication: Parents who listen, empathize, and communicate effectively with their children.
- Setting boundaries: The ability to establish boundaries that promote discipline and personal growth.
- Nurturing and fostering independence: Encouraging the child to develop their own skills, interests, and independence.
- Being a role model: Modeling positive behavior and values for the child to follow.
- Empathy and understanding: Showing empathy towards their child's feelings and experiences.
- Providing a safe environment: Creating a physically and emotionally safe space for the child.
- Being involved and attentive: Engaging in the child's life, activities, and education.

5. Structure your essay: Once you have your key qualities, structure your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. In the body paragraphs, discuss each quality separately while providing examples and relevant anecdotes to support your points. Use transitions to smoothly connect your ideas. In the conclusion, summarize the qualities discussed and offer a final thought or reflection on the topic.

Remember, an ideal parent may vary based on personal beliefs, cultural contexts, and individual circumstances. Drawing from a combination of research, personal experiences, and diverse perspectives will help you create a well-rounded essay on the topic. Good luck with your exam!