Which accurately analyzes the development of Nazi camps for Jews?

Initially, Jews were interned in concentration and labor camps before being sent to death camps

Jews were initially forced into concentration camps before being transferred to city ghettos for the duration of World War II

Jews were placed in concentration camps for the duration of the war, where most died from hard work or natural causes

From the beginning, Nazis rounded up Jews and sent them to death camps where they would face gas chambers

Please help! I think its A or C. I'm thinking more A.

A is right.

To accurately analyze the development of Nazi camps for Jews, it is important to understand the historical context. The correct answer is "From the beginning, Nazis rounded up Jews and sent them to death camps where they would face gas chambers."

Explanation: Nazi camps evolved through different stages during the Holocaust. Initially, Jews were indeed interned in concentration and labor camps, as mentioned in option A. However, option B is incorrect since city ghettos were established before the mass deportations to the death camps. Option C is also incorrect because while many Jews died from hard work or natural causes in concentration camps, it does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the development of Nazi camps for Jews.

Option D is the accurate choice. The Nazis started rounding up Jews right from the beginning of their reign and sent them directly to death camps, known as extermination or killing centers, where they would face mass murder through methods such as gas chambers. This culminated in the systematic genocide of millions of Jews during the Holocaust.

So, in conclusion, option D provides the most accurate analysis of the development of Nazi camps for Jews during World War II.