Cameron is on page 21 of his book. He reads 112 pages per minute and wants to read to at least page 84 tonight. The inequality 21+112t≥84 models this situation, where t is time in minutes

I agree with Ms Sue

112 pages per minute is some kind of "speed-reading"
I don't think I could flip the pages that fast.

He/she means 1 1/2 one and one half pages per minute I’m stuck on the same problem...

Please proofread. This does not make any sense.

To understand how to solve the inequality 21 + 112t ≥ 84, we need to break it down step by step:

Step 1: Identify the inequality symbols and their meanings.
- The ≥ symbol means "greater than or equal to."
- Therefore, the inequality 21 + 112t ≥ 84 can be read as "21 + 112t is greater than or equal to 84."

Step 2: Simplify the expression on the left side of the inequality.
- The expression 21 + 112t represents the total number of pages Cameron will have read at time t, considering he reads 112 pages per minute.
- Since he starts on page 21, the total number of pages he reads after time t will be 21 + 112t.

Step 3: Solve the inequality.
- To solve the inequality, we want to find the range of values for t that satisfy the inequality.
- We can start by subtracting 21 from both sides of the inequality to isolate the term with the variable t: 112t ≥ 84 - 21 = 63.
- Dividing both sides of the inequality by 112 gives us t ≥ 63/112.

Step 4: Simplify the result.
- The fraction 63/112 can be simplified further. By dividing both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 7, we get 9/16.
- So, the final simplified solution is t ≥ 9/16.

Therefore, Cameron needs to read for at least 9/16 minutes (or approximately 0.5625 minutes) to reach page 84 or beyond in his book.