What does voice refer to in a sentence? What does tense refer to?

Until a real English teacher shows up, you might want to study the explanations of verb tense and voice presented at


There are more tenses besides the ones listed there, such as future, past perfect, conditional and subjunctive, but in English they are usually formed by adding words like will, would, had, and might to the verb to form a compound verb.

In English, "voice" refers to active and passive. In a sentence with an active voice verb, the subject is doing the action; in a sentence with a passive voice verb, the subject is the receiver of the action. Here are some examples:

John hit the baseball.
(The verb "hit" is active because the subject "John" did the hitting.)

The baseball was hit by John.
(The verb "was hit" is passive because the subject "baseball" is the receiver of that action.)

There are two things that give it away when a verb is passive: 1) There will always be a form of the verb "to be" as a helping verb, and 2) the person or thing doing the action will follow that verb and be preceded by the word "by."

Tense refers to the time when the verb takes place -- generally, present or past or future, and there are gradations of those three as shown here:
Scroll down to find the sections on active/passive and tenses.

In a sentence, the term "voice" refers to whether the subject of the sentence is performing the action (active voice) or receiving the action (passive voice). It indicates the relationship between the subject and the verb. For example, in the sentence "John ate the apple," the voice is active because John is performing the action of eating.

On the other hand, "tense" refers to the time at which the action or state described by the verb is happening. It indicates when something occurred or will occur in relation to the present, past, or future. For instance, in the sentence "She will sing at the concert," the tense is future because the action of singing will happen later.

To determine the voice of a sentence, you can identify the subject (the doer of the action) and the verb. If the subject performs the action, it is in the active voice, while if the subject receives the action, it is in the passive voice.

To identify the tense of a sentence, you can examine the verb and its conjugation. Different verb forms indicate different tenses, such as past, present, or future. Additionally, you can look for time indicators like "yesterday" or "tomorrow" to help determine the tense.